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SEE Training

One component of the Science and Everyday Experiences (SEE) Initiative is to provide leadership and professional development activities to both prepare and mobilize the members of the 900+ Delta Chapters to serve as life-long informal science education organizers for family and community science events or as parent educators.

Training workshops are open to Chapter members throughout the seven Delta regions. Participants in SEE training will have the opportunity to do hands-on, minds-on and inquiry-based science, mathematics, health, and literacy activities that can be replicated with children and families in their own communities across the country.

In addition to hands-on science activities, SEE training workshops include discussions of the following topics:

  • Science in Everyday Life

  • What Is Informal Science Education?

  • What Is Inquiry?

  • How Informal Science Supports the
    Science and Mathematics Standards

  • The Internet and Informal Science Education

  • Health Literacy Resources

  • Science Books and Science Media

  • Tips for Organizing Community Science Events

  • Tips for Leading Community Science Workshops

  • Evaluating Community Science Events and Workshops

The training manual for SEE community science leaders is available below.

Entire Manual (3.14MB)

Table of Contents
1: Contact Information
2: Program Description
3: Perspectives
4: Informal Science Ed
5: Informal Science Paper
6: General Tips
7: Format for Activities
8: Informal Math Ed
9: SEE Math Activities
10: Tips for Leading
11: Internet & Informal Ed
12: Musuems & Learning
13: Selecting Materials
14: Organize & Implement

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Funded by National Science Foundation
NSF Grant # ESI 01-04555